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The International Association UNITED PHOTO PRESS, manages this global portal, without speculation business, nonprofit or political in English language, www.unitedphotopressworld.org translated over 52 languages, with the aim of disseminating culturally from its photojournalists members throughout the world and communities in general information about activities initially identified with the areas of photography, photojournalism, audiovisual, multimedia, art and culture, environment, documentary as well as other related matters...

Makes the promotion of books and drawings, as well as promote voluntary action in the various sectors of the media where it belongs, aims to value the arts as a cultural image and, therefore, promote exhibitions, workshops, round tables, lectures, reading portfolio, projections, photography and literary issues and urban domestic and international.

For the artists, everything counts. Nothing goes unnoticed by them nothing is contemptible. In its relentless production of images only have the discretion to escape the consensus of what is said from the images produced by all other non-artists.

The art are the construction of a counterculture, not exactly in the sense of radical rupture with the social reality but in a sense that, precisely, from that fact, supposedly domesticated and wickedly indifferent, if your claim to look ironic, critical, or redeemer.

In case this look can be very subtle, concealed within a framework of a side gable; at attention on an object moved, in the restlessness that can not be seen by a siding, or on a generalized sense of inaction. Overall attention to objects and spaces that are not necessarily dysfunctional, nor strive to express meaning. This reading is reinforced by the absence of people which also contributes to a departure from the traditional composition between figure and ground. In terms of these images it becomes subject.

Since you're here ...

...we have a small favour to ask; 
Many citizens have turned to the United Photo Press for vital, independent, quality journalism throughout a turbulent and challenging 2020. Readers in 180 countries, now support us for our non-profit activities, namely books and cultural exhibitions.

We believe everyone deserves access to information that’s grounded in science and truth, and analysis rooted in authority and integrity. That’s why we made a different choice: to keep our reporting open for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This means more people can be better informed, united, and inspired to take meaningful action.

In these perilous times, a truth-seeking no profit global news organisation like the United Photo Press is essential. We have no shareholders or billionaire owner, meaning our journalism is free from commercial and political influence – this makes us different. When it’s never been more important, our independence allows us to inform fearlessly, and challenge those in lies.

In this unprecedented year of intersecting crises, we have done just that, with revealing journalism that had real-world impact: the inept handling of the Covid-19 crisis, the Black Lives Matter protests, and the tumultuous US election.

If there were ever a time to join us, it is now. Your funding powers our journalism, it protects our independence, and ensures we can remain open for all. You can support us through these challenging economic times and enable real-world impact.


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