
ECO FASHION LAST MALAGA, Spain's first sustainable high fashion show

Malaga, November 23, 2011. The Automobile Museum Malaga finalizing the details of an initiative to position in the fashion map and sustainability to Malaga. Since opening its doors, the Museum has been very committed to mother earth.

A commitment that is manifested in its educational program Ecomuseum, for students of all ages to acquire habits and uses environmentally friendly. Also, the Automotive Museum in Malaga devotes one of its themed rooms and environmentally sustainable vehicles, known as the "alternative energy".

The result of this good work comes Eco Fashion Málaga. Amadrinado by Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, this sustainable fashion festival season progresses 2012 / 2013. Parade the designs of the Montague Malaga, Miguel Angel Ruiz, Angel Palazuelos, Rafael Urquiza, Francisco Valencia, Javier Alcantara, Gemma Melee, and the Portuguese Pedro Reis. A single day of the event, all carefully monitor his collection a natural crystal handicrafts, other embroidery, among other ornamental motifs.

This initiative has been welcomed in the sector. Major designers like Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and Italian Bruschini Silva will witness the first gateway. It also will do the same members of the European aristocracy, and SAR Beatriz de Orleans, Princess Marie Louise of Prussia or Baroness of Johnston. We also emphasize the presence of major firms in textiles and fashion and cosmetics. Inmatex, UNE and Aveda are some of them.

Eco Fashion Málaga has an eco-social character. There will be a study of the amount of carbon dioxide is emitted during the event. Thus Arboretum and plant Marbella evaluate the amount of trees needed to offset that CO2. In addition, through Comuto.es, Eco Fashion Málaga proposed shared transport. A new way not only moving but also to travel.

Frank Ramos

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