*Scroll down to the bottom of the page to buy tickets*
Ticket gives you unlimited access to all exhibitions on the day of visit
Experience a vast collection of international contemporary photography, spanning subjects from Current Affairs, Sport, Portraiture, Landscape, Fashion and more; beautifully curated by Michael Benson, Director, Candlestar.
In this 5th annual collection, you will find hundreds of images on display from the winners and runner-ups of the 2012 Sony World Photography Awards.
A selection of the following awards categories will be on display:
Professional Competition | Open Competition | Student Focus Awards | Moving Image Award | 3D Award | Outstanding Contribution to Photography
Kraszna-Krausz Foundation Book Awards Exhibition:
Proudly partnering with the Kraszna-Krausz Foundation for a second year running, an exciting showcase of the 2012 KKF Book Awards will be exhibited alongside the Sony World Photography Awards exhibitions
City Projects Exhibitions:
“Portraits of a City, A Mirror of our World”
The City Projects is a international workshop project that was launched at the World Photography Festival in Brazil, February 2011 with the São Paulo Portrait Project. This was swiftly followed with the momentous Royal Wedding Portrait and Documentary Project at the World Photography Festival in London, April 2011. For full information see our City Projects page.
Save the Children proudly presents, OUR LIVES:
An intimate glimpse into the lives of British children growing up in poverty
No child should be born without a chance.
Captions from top left clockwise – Abbie Trayler-Smith/Panos, Simon Roberts, Carol Allen-Storey, Laura Pannack, Liz Hingley.
Concessionary tickets are available on the door at Somerset House