
Red Bull Illume photography contest

They are open until the day April 30, 2013 Registration for the Red Bull Illume, considered one of the most important international photography competitions in sports and adventures. Photographers around the world can participate via the event website.

This is the third edition of the competition, which takes place every three years and has been conducted since 2007. The Red Bull Illume is divided into 10 categories, with one winner for each of them, plus one overall winner (overwall winner). Once closed the enrollment phase, the competition continues with two phases:

Phase 1: Pre-selection made by the team of Red Bull Illume resulting in 250 images chosen, 25 per category. These images will be analyzed by a team of judges formed by 50 professionals from different countries, defining 50 finalists, ie five finalists per category.

Phase 2: Each juror votes for one of the five finalists per category. The most votes in each category wins. In addition, each juror also votes on the image it deserves the prize general (overwall winner). Remember that during the voting process, jurors must only access the image without any reference from professionals who conducted the photo.

There are still two special awards: the People's Choice popular vote from 50 finalists, and the Athlete's Choice, high-performance athletes, from different modalities, also choose, each, their favorite image among the 50 finalists.

Among the participants are two Brazilian judge: Sergio White, editor in chief of Better Photograph, and José Neto Small Angels, creative director of GQ magazine - Brazil. Are also part of the team of jurors names like Kim Scott-Clark, picture editor of the Daily Mail (England); Jym Wilson, senior photography editor of USA Today, Richard Brooks, director of photography of the AFP (Asia), Steve Fine, director of photography at Sports Illustrated, among others.

In 2010, the ceremony announcing the winners was held in the courtyard of Dublin Trinity College, known tourist spot and historic city, which also housed a general statement with the selected photos of the 50 finalists.

The contest has a partnership with Leica, Broncolor and Sun-Sniper. The overall champion will win a Leica S camera, and the champions of each category receive a Leica X2. The awards also include other items of photographic equipment brands Broncolor and Sun-Sniper.

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