
Present in China exhibition Che Photographer

Exposure Photographer Che, a collection of snapshots taken by Ernesto Che Guevara during his whole life, was presented today to the press in the capital, on the eve of its official unveiling at the Three Shadows gallery.

Camilo Guevara March, son of the Heroic Guerrilla and project director of the Che Guevara Studies Center, said that it is a kind of autobiography, because through those images can be interested to know what this man of legend.

Guevara March said complacency because China is the first country in Asia where comes this exposure, given the admiration and respect he felt the Che for this nation and its people. The show has toured more than 10 countries in Latin America and Europe.

The exhibition, which will be officially opened tomorrow with a ceremony in which participate the Moncada Cuban musical group, is headquartered Gallery of Photographic Arts Center Three Shadows (Three Shadows), located in Chaoyang District.

Jilian Schultz, director of International Programs at the center, said the emotion he felt when he discovered the artist Che, which considers it an honor and a pleasure. He noted that this presentation is the efforts of several countries like China, Cuba and the United States.

In his introductory remarks to the packed news conference, said Guevara March artistic and aesthetic value of the photographic work and even remembered his father worked as a professional photographer for the 1955 Pan American Games held in Mexico City.

He added that the snapshots show the various stages of the life of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, in snapshots of ancient civilizations like the Maya, people, people, projects of the Cuban revolution, places he visited as a representative of Cuba, including several Southeast Asian schools, among others.

He explained that despite his busy schedule and the short time available, the Heroic Guerrilla known worldwide as a space dedicated always taking pictures of subjects that interested him.

In today’s meeting, in addition to the local and foreign press, attended artists, diplomats, friends and admirers of Cuba charismatic man known in every corner of the world.

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