
Audio Industry Overjoyed To Meet Up Again At The HIGH END 2022

From organiser, exhibitors or visitors – the voices at the HIGH END 2022, which celebrated its comeback from 19th to 22nd May in Munich, all said the same thing. After a forced hiatus due the pandemic, the international audio trade show was filled with powerful emotions and pure passion. 

Not only the great joy of meeting up with people whom everyone had missed for so long, but the enthusiasm for the vast number of innovations on display, provided for a consistently upbeat mood among the exhibitors and 19,767 visitors in the halls and atriums of the MOC Event Center.

Fantastic atmosphere all around the showground

Stefan Dreischärf, Managing Director of the organiser, the HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH, was extremely pleased with how things went during the four-day audio trade show. The successful relaunch more than met the optimistic expectations. “The HIGH END is back, and we are overjoyed that it was such a resounding success", said Dreischärf. "The feedback from our exhibitors, not to mention the trade public, the visitors and the press, was overwhelming." Finally something you could reach out and touch again, enjoy the music, sound and volume with all the senses or be able to more effectively judge the dimensions of the new developments in products and services. It was a multitude of impressions from participants that the experienced trade show manager and his dedicated team took in over the course of the trade show.

Accolades for the extension of the trade visitor days

The decision of the organiser to intensify the focus on the B2B trade was very favourably received. A large number of trade visitors from 80 countries, who didn't want to miss out on the HIGH END trade show, travelled to Munich. After all, there was considerable pent-up demand for the industry. Engaging in in-depth discussions and conducting business transactions face-to-face – all that was missing in the industry and was possible even on two B2B days for the first time since the audio trade show has existed. This provided lots of time for the exhibitors to enter into contact with their customers, exchange news and views, and conduct business. It's worth mentioning that since the last HIGH END, which took place in May 2019, quite a lot has changed in the audio industry. From new manufacturing methods to the use of novel materials, the manufacturers have used the past three years to further develop their products and to introduce innovative technology into the market. Visitors were able to marvel not only at traditional craftsmanship but also at components that came right out of the 3D printer.

On an overall area of 28,000 square meters in the halls and atriums of the MOC, 450 exhibiting companies from 40 countries were represented, showcasing their exciting innovations. They are a testament to the international bandwidth presented at the worldwide leading audio trade show. Among the 800 brands presented were many leading, established names, but also up-and-coming entrepreneurial firms, some of whom received a stand from the organiser in the Start-Up Area. The directories in the trade show magazine "Soundmunich" provided a quick-and-ready reference, as did the newly released HIGH END app, which also offered additional useful functions for getting around at the trade show.

Alan Parsons was an approachable guest of honour

A special highlight of the HIGH END 2022 for many visitors was the presence of brand ambassador Alan Parsons. At the organiser's press conference on the opening day, the music legend was in the mood to talk shop, and gave the attending media representatives interesting insights into his works as a sound engineer, record producer and musician. Only two days beforehand, the British artist, who has been living for many years in the United States, was presented the OBE Award in London by Prince William. With the induction into the order of chivalry, the British Crown recognises special contributions to the arts and sciences.

During the autograph session on Saturday, for which a ticket drawing was held, Alan Parsons was greeted by many beaming faces. The lucky fans, who had garnered one of the sought-after slots, received autographs from their idol, not only on albums but also on unusual objects such as a silver microphone, a petrified shellfish or an antique transistor radio. For each of the autographs, the prominent artist took the time to write a dedication by name and to exchange a few personal words with his fans. Visibly impressed by the dimension of the HIGH END, as well as the international atmosphere at the showground, Parsons dropped by a few of the exhibitors' stands and listened with interest as they explained technical details to him.

Plenty of enthusiasm and a widely diverse programme on the public days

Even hi-fi enthusiasts and music aficionados were captivated with amazement on the weekend. As on Thursday and Friday, there was a high volume of visitors in the halls and corridors, and voices speaking a wide variety of languages. All available Saturday and Sunday tickets were sold and at the HIGH END 2022, visitors were treated to an exciting live event with fascinating sound experiences and impressive presentations. Be it intelligent streaming solutions, state-of-the-art turntables, traditional tube amplifiers and proven two-channel technology, the products showcased at the HIGH END made every audiophile's heart beat faster. In the World of Headphones, visitors were able to listen to and compare a huge range of models, and the presented Soundsclever systems were very well received by potential consumers. Because you can also enjoy high end at more economical prices. The total turnkey systems are offered for a maximum EUR 5,000, facilitating the entry of interested hi-fi neophytes into the exclusive hobby.

Those who wanted to experience live music got their money's worth on Saturday evening. During an unforgettable concert highlight with American singer Lori Lieberman, the audience was captivated by the evocative singing and melodious instruments. Accompanied by C.S.Q. – Christian Schumacher Quartet from Munich – the singer and songwriter debuted her new album "Truly".

IPS supplier trade show well received

The still young event, IPS – International Parts + Supply, which celebrated its premiere this year, staged concurrently with the B2B days of the HIGH END, was also favourably received. The companies exhibiting were extremely satisfied with the organisation and reported successful business meetings. They would be pleased if the IPS, which perfectly complements the HIGH END, was continued in the coming year and additional supplier firms enhanced the supplier trade show.

After the show is before the show

The organiser team undertook every effort at the HIGH END 2022 to ensure that the relaunch would work out well and that all those involved would be able to look back on a successful trade show. The four days of the event showed that both personal face-to-face meetings and experiencing live events with all the senses are indispensable for the audio industry. Industry trade shows, fairs and exhibitions will continue to be a vital motor for the commercial success of the companies and, in addition, they create incomparable emotions.

So everyone is already looking forward to the next HIGH END. It will be staged from 18th to 21st May 2023, at the MOC Event Center in Munich as usual.

Here is what our exhibitors had to say:

"It is a very nice event. It is so professional and well organised. We built connections with a lot of new partners."
Leiyin Audio

"It is our first join as an exhibitor. The representatives from High End Society have been very cooperative and good on rapid response. We do really hope to join this show as an exhibitor next year and expect to meet lots of audiophiles. thank you very much for your assistance!"
Citech Co., Ltd.

Information on the HIGH END

The HIGH END, the internationally renowned audio trade show, is the undisputed leader when it comes to impressively setting the tone for top-class music reproduction. It has been providing ideas and impetus for producers, sellers and consumers of high-quality consumer electronics for four decades. On the four days of the event in May, the entire world of audio experts and professionals will gather in Munich to visit hundreds of exhibitors from more than 40 different countries as they showcase their latest innovations in the halls and atriums of the MOC Event Center.

Claudia Kazner
Press and Public Relations

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