
Layabouts plank their way across town in latest net craze

When a word is so new it doesn’t even have its own Wikipedia page (unlike this word, or this one, or even this one), you know it’s not yet part of the common lexicon.

Planking - the art of lying face-down in unusual public spaces and capturing it on camera - is the favourite new pursuit of Brisbane electrician Richard Litonjua.

And it won’t be flying beneath the radar for too long if Mr Litonjua and his mates have anything to do with it. Already planking is developing into an internet craze with the Planking Australia Facebook group having almost 10,000 "likes".

Mr Litonjua, from Bowen Hills in central Brisbane, is new to the art of planking, having discovered it just six days ago.

‘‘It started appearing from a few Gladstone friends," he said.

"I’m from Gladstone - I saw it on their Facebook pages and had no idea what they were doing.

‘‘One of my friends put a couple of planking photos up and I thought, game on, and decided to research it a little bit."

Mr Litonjua started a Facebook group on Monday, called the Brisbane Planking Assocation, and posted photos of himself and his friends planking on post office boxes and on a train.

The group now has more than 160 fans and plans to get the term into Wikipedia this week.

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