
Photos in the infrared is the new passion of the brazilian photographer Marcio Hudson

The opening will roll during the Meeting Photo of Mato Grosso in 2011 and will be this Friday (19/08) at 19h. "The brighter day" is held in partnership with Leading Publishing and has the support of the State Secretariat of Culture of Mato Grosso (MT-SEC).

The 20 images shown were obtained using a Nikon camera - D40x, changed in a workshop in the United States only to capture infrared images.

According to the photographer to reproduce the black and white classic photos in infrared, the images were just desaturated.

Are part of the records of the Pantanal landscape, architecture, especially in Brasília, a city that currently resides, and nude in a paper that just 'out of the oven' held on the morning of Sunday (07:08) in which, in words of the photographer: "a cool breeze was blowing, while cotton clouds roamed the sunny sky, creating the perfect setting for maximum expressiveness of infrared photography."

Invisible Colors

Marcio came in contact with the technique of infrared photography in 2007 and invested in. He immediately ordered to change your camera purchased in the United States. Only a few North American workshops made the process that is very primitive. "The change is more expensive than the camera itself," said Marcio.

The workshop is taken from the hot mirror filter installed in digital machines is replaced by an infrared filter. This filter prevents the passage of visible light, recording the infrared light emitted by the sun and reflected by objects. In the process it also made a new calibration of the photometer built into the camera and point of focus, which are often changed in the infrared.

According to Jeff, all digital cameras are capable of capturing infrared light, but the manufacturers install the hot mirror filter on the sensor, just to block the passage of light frequency. For the interference of the infrared light makes the picture a bit unnatural.

But it was precisely the change that often leads to uptake of Márcio Hudson in which awakened interest in shooting with this technique. "It records the color we can not see and the result is always surprising," he says.

And he exemplifies "a lot of vegetation reflects infrared radiation, and this takes white appearance in the photo. On the other hand, sky and water appear black because the blue reflects the ultraviolet and infrared almost nothing, and the absence of light will be recorded as black, in black and white image. Human skin will look more uniform light gray and can not differentiate whether the person is black, brown or white. "


"I'm not ashamed to say that I copy in the beginning, because in the end the work will always have my face," said Márcio Hudson when talking about the references he seeks and establishes in his works. Declared by the passionate work of Ansel Adams American, he poses as the main reference, especially for landscape photos and nature.

In photos portrait, Irving Penn is one of its main. And to work with nude, it highlights the series "Some Women" by Robert Marpplethorpe that piqued his interest and somehow inspires.

And speaking of inspiration, at the time this issue was Márcio Hudson entered the room the artist Benedito Nunes and said he had a panel inspired by a photo of Marcio. This left the photographer euphoric. He was keen to know more about the work of Nunes, who is on the second floor of the building occupied by Agecopa.


What? Exhibition "On the Lighter" Photographer Marcio Hudson

When? Opening Friday (19/08), during the Meeting Photo of Mato Grosso to 19h.

Where? Arts Pavilion / Palace of Education, Republic SquareExhibition open to visitors until 30 August. Visiting hours: from 08h to 12h and 14h to 18h.

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