
Riki Rivera hits the big screen with "Operación Camarón"

Perfect Boy 'is composed by Riki Rivera and is the main theme of' Operación Camarón '

'Operación Camarón', a comedy directed by Carlos Therón (Director of 'I leave it whenever I want', 'It's for your good'), will participate in the Official Out-of-Competition Section of the 24th Edition of the Malaga Festival.

The presentation of the film will take place next Friday, June 4 in the Malaga capital and will have the participation of its director and the main cast, which include Julián López, Natalia de Molina, Carlos Librado 'Nene', Miren Ibarguren, and the composers of the film's soundtrack, Riki Rivera and Violetta Arriaza.

When Riki Rivera is asked about the work he has done with the team and especially with his director, Carlos Therón, he says that “it has been like being in a constant university. A swing of learning, guidelines, laws and new paths. I am eternally grateful to him for having conveyed all this to me with the utmost respect and patience. A capo. I would like to thank Álvaro Alonso and Manuel Yebra, the film's producers, for counting on me and always placing total trust, without doubting for a moment that we would create an OST according to the level of the entire production ”.

"Perfect Boy", the central theme of the film "Operación Camarón", is a Telecinco Cinema production that will be released on June 25 in all cinemas and that has the collaboration of Mediaset Spain in its support of European culture.

Perfect Boy, the central theme of the film, has already become for many a danceable hit for the summer, and its author has a lot to blame for this, who thus speaks of the work he has done when composing the OST, " The composition for this film had to be divided into two important parts. The first was to create the identity of the group. His sound, his songs and at the same time mark the style well, coarse messages of the way of composing and writing of the "Lolo" who is the one who writes the songs in fiction. I was lucky enough to compose the songs with Violetta Arriaza. A young author and singer with a lot of talent and a lot of taste for arranging and producing. On the other hand there are songs that are diegetic in various scenes. Playing on a radio, backstage, etc. This is where we have left many hidden messages in the film as a protest, who is criticized by the urban world, for example, gossip, etc. I was lucky to have the voice of Luitingo, a young Sevillian singer with a lot of art, hardworking to the max, for the two singles by Los Lolos. The second part of the musical space of this film has been all the incidental or extradiegetic part. We have created a hybrid between organic instruments, cajons, guitars, palms, etc., integrating them into programmed bases with a lot of urban character created exclusively for this film and we have added the symphony to it with great respect. Thus creating something that identifies the film the first time ”.

Synopsis of 'Operación Camarón' Unknown in the underworld, with the appearance of a slob and the skills of a classical concert performer, Sebas, a rookie policeman, is perfect for a dangerous mission: infiltrate as a keyboard player in Los Lolos, a flamenco-trap band that is going to play at the wedding of the daughter of a local dealer.

Finally, Riki Rivera, anticipates that "Operation Camarón" will leave the public with happy features and flow in the body because it is very loaded with pure ’Ange’.

Frank Ramos
Chus Gonzales
United Photo Press

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