
Ilford Sprite 35-II is a compact film camera due for release in 2021

Ilford has announced that it will be releasing a new 35mm film camera in 2021 called the Ilford Sprite 35-II.

Ilford has recently announced a new 35mm film camera to be released in January 2021. This may initially come as a surprise for some, but there has been quite a resurgence in film over the last few years. 

The camera Ilford is planning on releasing will be an affordable compact camera called the Sprite 35-II. This camera pays homage to the original Sprite 35, which was released back in the 1960s. 

With digital camera technology far beyond what film can produce, many photographers have completely left analog processes behind. However, there are many photographers that find the tactile nature of film extremely appealing, which is one of the reasons why film has been growing in popularity in recent years.

The Sprite 35-II will feature a 31mm f/9.0 fixed focus lens that will be akin to some disposable cameras, even though the Ilford Sprite 35-II will be a reusable camera. The shutter speed is also fixed at 1/120s, which means that it'll probably be best in brightly lit conditions. 

The upside to having a small aperture lens is that the Sprite 35-II will be compact and lightweight camera. Weighing in at only 122g, this camera is actually quite a bit lighter than many smartphones currently on the market. 

The Ilford Sprite 35-II is due to cost $34.95 (around £26 ) and will be released in January 2021.


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